Saturday, August 11, 2012

Top 5 Girl Names

I know there are many cute names out there for girls. Some names are gorgeous, some classy and other sophisticated. Here I list some of my favorite top 5 girls names which I like very musch. If you have your favorite girls names please comment.

1. Audrey
Origin: Old English
Meaning: Noble strength
History: Saint Audrey was a sixteenth century princess of England. .
Celebrity: Audrey Hepburn was also a British actress.

2. Savannah
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Treeless plain
Place name: Savannah is a city in Georgia

3. Annabelle 
Orgin: Its a Hebrew and Latin origin name
Meaning: Grace, Favor and Lovable.
Celebrity: English actress Annabelle Wallis

This name is the variation of Elizabeth
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God's promise; God is my oath

5. Katherine
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Pure

What are you top 5 girl names? Let us know by commenting.


Engagement Rings Vancouver said...

Cute, actually would not think of some names here as top 5.

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